PREMIERE: Bryan Hugo Iglesias Releases New Single “Rebound”

PREMIERE: Bryan Hugo Iglesias Releases New Single “Rebound”

After releasing his latest single “Open Up the Door” last month, along with an accompanying music video and an awesome release party, Bryan Hugo Iglesias is back with “Rebound,” a track that serves as a reflection of the ways that we get over heartbreak, and the complicated nature of moving on versus merely replacing a lost love.

We sat down with Bryan to talk about his musical beginnings, the new music he’s been releasing, and what to look out for next. Check it out below!

First, tell us who you are and what you do.

Bryan Hugo Iglesias: My name is Bryan Hugo Iglesias and I’m a creative, mainly in music and photography. I prefer creative to something specific, mostly because it’s just more representative of what I do and who I am. I want to blur the lines between the different mediums that I work in, because at this point they’re so intertwined, at least for me in my process. 

Can you talk about what you’ve been up to recently and your process with music leading up to this point?

BI: I’ve been a musician my almost my entire life. It’s like when you’re a kid, you go through these phases of what you’re into, you know? First it’s Spiderman, or maybe dinosaurs, so on and so on. When I was about 10 years old I got really into music, and there was never another phase. That’s just what it was, and that’s how it’s been all the way up until now. 

I started playing guitar when I was 12, I was really inspired by artists like Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Led Zeppelin, all these classic rock bands, so of course I started a classic rock band. Did that for a few years, went through a phase where I was in a pop-punk band through high school, moved on to more emo-type music in college, and then I actually stopped for a little while after that. It was interesting, because I started working with Assemble about two weeks after my emo band broke up, which ended up being a cool opportunity for me to take a step back and explore other mediums, I was mostly doing content creation for Assemble rather than working on my own music. 

For the past two years, I haven’t really been a “musician,” or at least that’s not how people have known me. I’ve never stopped being a musician, but that’s not how most people have known me in recent years, I’m always the guy with the camera. As much as I was missing music, exploring different creative disciplines has allowed me to meet a lot of people that I might not have otherwise met. It also really opened up my schedule; I wasn’t playing shows every weekend anymore, so I was able to go to a lot more shows that I used to have to miss when I had my own gigs. 

Over that time I was honing in on a lot of different things, but also still working on my own music almost every day, writing and practicing and making sure that I stayed connected to what I’ve always loved about it. This year I decided that it was time for me to start putting out music again; I put out my first single under my own name, Bryan Hugo Iglesias, in September. I’ve played a couple shows since then, including opening up for my friend Joe Hertler and playing at Dally in the Alley, which is hosted in the neighborhood I live in, so that was a really cool moment for me. 

Tell us about your latest release, both the video and the event that went along with it.

BI: So we threw a video premiere at Hard Gallery in Southwest for my song “Open Up the Door,” which was incredible. A big part of what made that night so memorable was the open-jam that we hosted there; it was an energy that I felt before when I played Detroit Up North, and I wanted to recreate that feeling again by just inviting people to bring their instruments and do some genuine improv together. It also really reminded me of when I was first getting into music, being 12-13 years old and coming down to jam with 40-50 year olds in the Detroit Blues Society, so it was a special kind of full-circle moment for me in a weird way. 

Describe the process and meaning behind your new single, “Rebound.”

BI: One of the ways that my work with Assemble has influenced my own music is that I’ve really fallen in love with pop music and the pop structure. I have a whole new appreciation for that type of music that I didn’t always have before, I see it as more of a structural thing than necessarily a genre. “Rebound” went over really well live, which is one of the reasons that I decided to put it out, and it’s just about the idea that you don’t have to be heartbroken forever.

The idea of rebounding can mean a lot of different things, and I certainly don’t condone using anyone else to solve your own emotional issues, because only you can do that. But I do know that getting over a heartbreak can be a really difficult thing, and it’s a choice you have to consciously make to move beyond that and into the next chapter of your life, so that’s what this song is really about to me. It’s not meant to be a super serious song, but I think that it’s helpful for listeners to know some of that context. 

How does this song fit into your overall trajectory, and what should we be looking out for next?

BI: I’ll definitely be releasing singles consistently over the next few months, and I hope to have a proper release ready sometime next year. I’ll be playing more live shows in the near future, because I’ve had so much fun performing recently and I definitely want to keep doing that. I mostly just want to keep exploring these different mediums, both on their own and also how they can intersect, and I’m excited to see what those explorations lead to.

(cover photo by @skeebopzow)

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